Livros Recomendados

Nesta seção eu reúno algumas recomendações de livros técnicos para a área de estatística, aprendizado de máquina, deep learning e ciência de dados que eu já li e achei um bom investimento de tempo.

  1. Estatística
    • A beginner’s guide to structural equation modeling - Randall E. Schumacker & Richard G. Lomax
    • Bayesian Data Analysis - John K. Kruschke
    • Ecological Models and Data in R - Ben Bolker
    • Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance - A. J. Underwood
    • Forecasting: Principles and Practice - Rob J. Hyndman & George Athanasopoulos
    • Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Engineering and the Sciences - Raymond H. Myers, Douglas C. Montgomery, G. Geoffrey Vining & Timothy J. Robinson
    • Introduction to Bayesian Statistics - William M. Bolstad & James M. Curran
    • Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R: a Step-by-Step - Andrzej Gałecki & Tomasz Burzykowski
    • Probability & Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences - Jay L. Devore
  2. Meta-Análise
    • Handbook of Meta-Analysis in Ecology and Evolution - Julia Koricheva, Jessica Gurevitch & Kerrie Mengersen
  3. Aprendizado de Máquina
    • Explanatory Model Analysis - Przemyslaw Biecek & Tomasz Burzykowski
    • Interpretable Machine Learning - Christoph Molnar
    • Machine Learning with R - Brett Lantz
    • Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R - Emil Hvitfeldt & Julia Silge
    • Tidy Modelling with R - Max Kuhn & Julia Silge
    • Recommender Systems - Charu C. Aggarwal
  4. Deep Learning
    • Deep Learning with Python - François Chollet
    • Deep Learning with R - François Chollet & J. J. Allaire
    • Dive into Deep Learning - Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li & Alexander J. Smola
  5. R
    • R for Data Science - Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund
    • Text Mining with R - Julia Silge & David Robinson


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